Summer break is an ideal time for wisdom teeth removal

School is about to be out, and your children are probably already planning a summer of fun. However, did you know  summer break is the ideal time for your children to have their wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth

Your teenager might not want to hear this, but summer is the ideal time to schedule their surgery. After a wisdom teeth extraction, there is a necessary period of recovery. During school year, this could mean a few days or even a week of missed classes. Scheduling the surgery during summer can help your children concentrate on resting and recovering without stressing on missed assignments.

If your children are late teens and leaving for college, now is the time to plan wisdom teeth removal. The last thing you would want to deal with is a phone call from your child in terrible pain from wisdom teeth eruption.

Need more information about wisdom teeth extraction? Or thinking of scheduling an appointment for this summer? Contact us today to discuss options with out experienced and caring dental team.

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